A ceremony or ritual is performed by a priestly order and this imbues them with something holy and healing. They do not receive powers from their deity but from their investiture or ordination to their deity. The source of the Cleric’s power comes from their ordained status. This process can happen mostly one of two ways: Either they are formally recognized by a priestly order or by an actual deity. The source of the Cleric’s power comes from their Ordination. Though they both employ holy magic, only one of these is chosen for their cause and that is the Cleric. The people in their world can clearly tell the difference between a zealot and a respectable member of the clergy. Players often confuse Paladins with Clerics but they are quite different. It is their greater understanding of their faith or the way in which they embody it that they are viewed with such reverence by their peers. The primary skill of the Cleric is their Religion. Your skill selection for this class should appear as follows: Whether their appointment is recognized by a priestly order or by a deity themselves, the most important moment in a Cleric’s life is the day they are ordained to perform religious rites. Unlike the Paladin, the Cleric is appointed to their task.

They are keepers of religious tomes and leaders of the faith. They are ordained representatives, commanding a level of authority and veneration in their religious orders. The Cleric is a divine representative of a deity, a church or some religious priory. I have also included a crossbow as a starting option. I also am borrowing directly from the 1st Edition’s mandate that Cleric’s can ONLY use blunt weaponry when it comes to melee combat. The majority of this insight comes from the 4th Edition of DnD, which had a definition of the Cleric I much preferred to the 5th edition. My interpretation of this class borrows heavily from Dungeons and Dragons, as well as some Elder Scrolls lore and general fantasy concepts. We will discover their divine origins, the source of their power, and the ways to play the Cleric as well as their Religious Rites and spell options. This time we will be exploring the class of the Cleric. First I explored the Paladin (as well as the Knight, Necromancer and the Barbarian. The freedom to play whatever character you choose is paramount, but it’s the tandem of this with the guidance of Class systems which allows imagination and roleplaying to take over. This is the second installment in my ongoing mission to create a comprehensive class system for Skyrim.